Discover What To NEVER Feed Your Mini Schnauzer - Plus Other Money, Time & Health Saving Tips From a Schnauzer Insider.
If you're really serious about owning you own Minature Schnauzer or definitely want the best for your Miniature Schnauzer buddy and want the happiest, healthiest and most well behaved Miniature Schnauzer on the block..... this might be one of the most important messages you ever read.

Sharda Baker. 10.40
Dear Friend,
Hi my name is Sharda Baker and I'm bursting to share something with you.
If you are thinking of buying a Miniature Schnauzer, but is unsure how to go about it, what questions do you need to ask? And how do you look after and train your new buddy?
Maybe you already own one or more Miniature Schnauzers and want to make sure you care for your "Miniature Schnauzer" properly? Miniature Schnauzers, as you probably know by now, do require special care and once you learn and understand their needs its not that hard to care for a Miniature Schnauzer. They are worth every bit of effort of course as they will reward you a hundred fold in enjoyment and unwavering companionship.
Please don't make the mistakes many dog owners do though and assume a Miniature Schnauzer is cared for the same way as any other dog. They aren't and that mistake could cost you dearly in time, money and heartache.
Maybe you just simply want to have your Miniature Schnauzer trained a little better. A dog that pees inside, chews everything in sight, "pulls" on a lead, and barks too much can take some of the fun out of owning a dog can't it? And you know a Miniature Schnauzer can easily be trained when you know how! This is certainly possible.
You have no idea how frustrating it is to hear about Miniature Schnauzer owners ending up with big disappointments just because they didn't have the right information at hand. There is defnitely a better way.
This Was What Happened To Me
I remember the first puppy we bought , Shani. She was a pure bred 7 week old female . Her favorite sleeping place used to be in one of my husband's old leather shoes.
I didn't know then what questions to ask the breeder or what to look for when we went shopping for her. To cut a long story short we spent over $2700 on Shani over the first 2 years for 2 knee repairs and countless visits to the vet for on going allergy problems.
If only I had known then what I know today about Shani's diet, exercise and general needs we wouldn't have had to fork out all that money. and go through that stress. I guess in a way its a bit like buying a car. If you don't know what to look for can easily end up with a car that is not really in good condition .
Our last few dogs have been almost perfect. OK they have been to the vet once or twice for their shots but we've had no major expenses in the last 6 years . We did our homework this time and had spent much of our spare time over the years finding out everything we could our dogs. It honestly has taken the worry and expense out of buying, training and caring for our dogs.
So Then I Decided
To write a book about dogs and share my experiences. My first dog book was actually on the Bichon Frise and it became quite popular on the internet and made me realize there are many many other dog owners who have the same questions as me. It also gave me the confidence to leave my full time job and concentrate on my real love in life....dogs.
I now have published several popular doggie dog e-books and I'm so excited to be able to talk about this one on the incredible Miniature Schnauzer.
The Good News
As you have read I have already made some mistakes with my precious dogs and so I would love to help you have the best possible experience with your Miniature Schnauzer. Having well trained dogs has certainly changed my life for the better! I want to help you prevent losing hundreds or maybe even thousands of dollars in health related costs by buying right and just as importantly caring for your Miniature Schnauzer in the best possibly way.
A Miniature Schnauzer does NOT have to be expensive to look after once you know what you are doing!
It's definitely my wish that you become one of the many happy Miniature Schnauzer owners who are so proud when family or friends drop in and see their Miniature Schnauzer Won't it feel great to have your friends and other dog owners marvel at how well trained, healthy and well groomed your Miniature Schnauzer is?
There's nothing like seeing the effect a well behaved and well groomed Miniature Schnauzer has on people is there!
To help make this happen for you my new e-book was written "Miniature Schnauzer Owner's Complete Guidebook "
I can assure you that this book isn't like any other books you will ever read on the Miniature Schnauzer.
Apart from spending many months going through every bit of Miniature Schnauzer information I could get my hand on, I interviewed several Miniature Schnauzer breeders and a Veterinary surgeon to ensure I didn't miss anything.
I then passed on my completed ebook package onto several other well respected Miniature Schnauzer breeders and had them have their say on what else should be included in the ebook package.
Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover in "Insiders Complete Guide Book On The Miniature Schnauzer"
- Discover if the Miniature Schnauzer the right doggie for you and your family. Clearly outlined pros and cons of owning a Miniature Schnauzer are explained to help you in your decision.
- Learn how to choose your new family member. Never choose a Miniature Schnauzer just because "they look cute ". (Discover clear detailed information on what you need to know)
- You will be amazed at what diet your Miniature Schnauzer should be getting. (Everything about a Miniature Schnauzer's dietary needs is clearly explained, including dangerous foods to avoid!)
- Learn How To Recognize a reputable Miniature Schnauzer breeder.
- Know how to groom your Miniature Schnauzer from day one. (Once learned properly grooming becomes much easier and yes it can be fun!)
- Tips for buying a Pup. Don’t be in a hurry! ( Many people rush into buying a puppy without the proper knowledge and suffer the consequences for many years).
- Understand the "mentality" of your Miniature Schnauzer. For instance, your Miniature Schnauzer will respond to certain commands and actions quickly than others . (Training may take on a whole new meaning when you read this)
- Potty training finally de-mystified. In depth coverage given to this often misunderstood topic. (If your Miniature Schnauzer is 'having accidents' on the floor or in other areas , there is a proven training method inside that delivers)
- Discover how to combat the number one problem among dogs of all breeds - poor dental care.(discover how to help prevent tooth disease by using a well balanced diet and chew bones)
- Learn how to raise your Miniature Schnauzer in a house filled with kids. J(Simple to follow guidelines that kids can easily remember)
- Learn the many benefits of spaying or neutering your Miniature Schnauzer. (The risks of self breeding are also discussed)
And that's just a fraction of what you'll find out in "Insider's Complete Guide Book On The Miniature Schnauzer"!
Here's what a few Miniature Schnauzers owners had to say about my ebook.

Dear Sharda,
I am fortunate to have a very smart, well behaved
miniature schnauzer.
The e-book package was very helpful in feeding, grooming, and all the other information.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and keep it handy.
Attached is a picture of Shadow. She's four years old now and we love her to death.
We got her as a 3 month old pup and paid $1250 for her. She's worth every cent!!!
Marcia Griffin
San Jose, CA
Click Here To Find Out How To Order The Miniature Schnauzer Complete Guide
Hi Sharda,
Just wanted to drop you a quick line to let you know how helpful your e-book and audios are.
I recently adopted 2 adult miniature schnauzers and your course has been a great resource.
Most other books I looked at were geared to raising a puppy, but yours dealt with all aspects of the schnauzers' development.
Emma and Maggie are as delightful as you claimed schnauzers would be - you describe their personalities to a tee!
Thanks for taking the time to put together such a concise, easy to read and follow resource.
Rita Rosa
Wolcott. CT. USA.
Click Here To Find Out the Details of The Miniature Schnauzer Complete Guide
Hi there Sharda,
I just wanted to let you know how much help you have been to my 6 year old Mini Precious.
I only wish I had have found your ebook when I first got her. She had developed so many naughty habits, such as chewing my furniture, jumping up on everyone who visits and was such a fussy eater.
Anyway, that's all changing since I got your ebook package. It only took 3 days of following your guidelines, to stop Precious chewing, I still can't believe it! The jumping is already so much better as well. Next we work on the eating!
Thanking you so much. I will be sending you a pic of Precious as soon as my husband works out how to send the pictures over the internet!
Geraldine Harrison
Ontario, Canada.
Hey Sharda!
I bought the Miniature Schnauzer ebook package because I was putting a lot of consideration into getting a miniature schnauzer.
After I read the ebook, and all the free bonuses, it let me see that the schnauzer was in fact the dog for me.
I feel much more educated on the schnauzer and would be very confident finding the right one. ALL of the books and audios were great.
Rose H.
St. Augustine, FL
The testimonials on this page are from real people and shows you the positive experiences they have had with my book and their buddies. Just a little note though, not every customer can expect to or will achieve the same success and experiences as those listed on this page.
Many customers fail to achieve these same results.
One of the main reasons not everyone achieves the same results is that in many cases they may not read the ebook or listen to the audios completely or they may not follow the information provided.
To achieve the best results for your dog, it is suggested you read all of the ebook and listen to any of the audios provided. You will then be in a better position to make the right decisions to best care for your dog. Remember you are fully protected with my FULL refund guarantee.
"But what about all these other questions?"
You'll also get the answers to these and many more common questions;
- "Why is my Miniature Schnauzer puppy nipping all the time? How can I teach her to stop it?"
- "How do I stop my Miniature Schnauzer from barking too much?"
- "What's the easiest and quickest way to housetrain my Miniature Schnauzer?
- "How can I help with my Miniature Schnauzer's skin allergies"?
- "Will they get along with my other dogs"?
- "My Miniature Schnauzer has this awful habit of eating his poop. How can I stop it?
- "How do I clip the nails myself"?
- "When is the best time to spay or neuter my little Miniature Schnauzer"?
- My Miniature Schnauzer "digs up everything" in the garden , how can I teach him to stop it"?
Click Here To Get Your Copy Now
$31.77 is not much to pay for this must have information on the Miniature Schnauzer.
And don't worry, if for any reason you're not happy with the content, you have a complete 100% guarantee to protect your investment.
That's about as fair as it gets, don't you agree?
Yes Sharda, I would like to get the
"Miniature Schnauzer Owner's
Complete Guidebook"
for just $
But I tell you what I'll also do to make this the best investment you ever make. I'm going to include in some free bonuses which will help you even more..
So if you invest in your copy of "Insider's Complete Guide Book On The Miniature Schnauzer" right now, here's what I'll throw in.
VALUED AT $ 58.82!
FREE BONUS # 1 Potty Training Made Fast and Easy. ebooklet.
Potty Training is the number issue with most dog owners somewhere in their lives as a dog owner. This recently updated ebook clearly outlines the current proven potty training techniques. It is covers the new pup as well as the adult dog that may have come from a shelter or from a home where potty training was not completed.
(VALUE $12.95) FREE for a limited time for all those who purchase the "Insider's Complete Guide Book On The Miniature Schnauzer" ebook package..
FREE BONUS # 2 Managing the Barking Dog. ebooklet.
A Miniature Schnauzer that is barking inappropriately can soon drive you and your neighbors a little crazy! This ebooklet outlines the easy steps you need to take to quickly control your barking dog.
(VALUE $9.95) FREE for a limited time for all those who purchase the "Insiders Complete Guide Book On The Miniature Schnauzer" ebook package.
FREE BONUS # 3 Healthy Homemade Dog Biscuits and Treats Recipes. ebooklet.
Why not spoil your Miniature Schnauzer occasionally with these healthy, easy to make homemade dog biscuits and treats. You will have a friend for life!
(VALUE $7.95) FREE for a limited time for all those who purchase the "Insider's Complete Guide Book On The Miniature Schnauzer".
FREE BONUS # 4 AUDIO . Dog Training Secrets Revealed.
This 53 minute audio is an interview with a well renown professional dog trainer who "has seen it all".
In this high quality recorded audio you will hear how a professional Australian dog trainer manages the day to day dog behavior problems many dog owners have had to deal with.
You will discover his proven methods of managing the disobedient dog, how to quickly control the dog that barks too much, potty training in as little as 24 hrs, step by step obedience training, and much much more.
(RETAIL VALUE $ 27.97) FREE for a limited time for all those who purchase the "Insider's Complete Guide Book On The Miniature Schnauzer" ebook package.
The above FREE bonuses each worth every cent of their stated value. But , they're yours FREE. Congratulations!
Why Am I Giving Away So Many FREE Bonuses?
Well, there are two reasons I am doing this. :)
Firstly, I wish to over exceed your expectations and provide the best resources I can for you. I really want you to learn to take care of you Miniature Schnauzer properly.
This makes perfect sense really, because with my 100% no questions asked refund policy, you can have a full 100% refund for up to 60 days, so I want you to love my package and tell other how helpful it was to you. Otherwise you can return it right back to me for your full refund. I'm dead serious about this.
Secondly, digital products do not require postage which means less overheads for me.
Click Here To Learn All About Your Miniature Schnauzer Now
Truly wishing you great success with your Miniature Schnauzer buddy.
Click Here to Save $58.82 Now before My Price Increases
P.P.P.S. You also have 60 days to review the e-book and bonuses and discover for yourself the value and benefits these books can provide to you.. You can easily get a refund at anytime during those 60 days and you even get to keep the e-book and FREE bonuses.
Click Here For your Risk FREE Purchase
For the next few days, I am including for FREE, 4 Bonus resources for your Miniature Schnauzer valued. That's over $58.82 of FREE bonuses just for trying my Miniature Schnauzer ebook and audio package. All for only $31.77.
See above for more details.
Thank you for visiting.